In November 2022, in parallel with COP27, The Peace Department in partnership with the Elijah Interfaith Institute, brought major faith leaders to London in an unprecedented gathering showcasing friendship and unity among the faiths to tackle climate change. Faith leaders of all major traditions collaborate in creating the 10 Spiritual Principles for Climate Repentance signed by more than 50 religious leaders, intending to initiate a process of climate repentance, broader understanding, and effective action. Simultaneously at COP 27, The Peace Department participated in three press conferences organized by the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, highlighting religion and ecology, and the efforts the religions have taken to tackle the climate crisis. The Peace Department’s interfaith work continues to expand as diverse religions teach about the importance of being stewards of the Earth for all. While we are not a religious organization, this was an interfaith collaboration focusing on humanity and taking tangible action for our planet.
10 Principals For Climate Repentance
Chicago, August 2024